Adventures as Miss Saigon

Just because I live on the other side of the globe…

Posted on: October 11, 2010

…doesn’t mean something exciting happens to me everyday! My last blog seems like ages ago, so I figured it was time to update…here goes!

After a few days off work last week to recover from my illness, I started back to work on Wednesday. On Thursday night, my three coworkers, my supervisor’s consultant (who was in town for the week) and I had the pleasure of being invited out to an amazing dinner by my supervisor and his wife. We met downtown at Go2 (anyone else sensing a pattern?) and then piled in a taxi for a quick ride to the restaurant. My supervisor and his wife ordered many different dishes – I tried most of them (being a flexitarian I will eat almost anything) but had to draw the line at the duck tongue! One of my coworkers and I were also a little hesitant with the plate of whole fish that was brought out, but happily ate them after our supervisor bit the heads off for us! We were also treated to a special dessert made by a legend. My supervisor’s wife bought cakes from this lady who has been making cakes here for 30 years. She wakes up at 4am to bake, and then sells her cakes on the street. They were incredible! Such a fantastic meal, great company and wonderful experience – can’t thank my supervisor and his wife enough for a great night out!


beer with ice...the only way to keep it cool in HCMC! photo credit to Zuzana



in case you don't know what this's duck tongue! photo credit to Zuzana


It’s now Monday evening here, and it’s been raining for the past three days straight. There have been floods in central Vietnam and many people have been killed. And today, for the third time in my life (and also in the past week) I have narrowly avoided stepping on a toad. Today, I also had my first xe om ride in the rain, complete with a two headed poncho!

Friday night, two of my coworkers and I begin our travels – destination Singapore! We’ve booked in at a hostel for our two nights, and other than that, our itinerary is open!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone at home in Canada! I didn’t realize how much I’d miss it until I’m actually missing it! My mom’s already promised me a turkey dinner when I get home…or maybe that was the prescription pain meds talking? πŸ™‚

3 Responses to "Just because I live on the other side of the globe…"

Happy Thanksgiving to you Megan. We had a great turkey dinner at Julie’s yesterday. Tonight the Blais’ & Vautours’ went down under the bridge for fries to sadly celebrate the ending of that season. Mom sounds great. I just spoke to her, she is so glad to be home.
We are starting to get busy with Celebrities on Canvas being held on Nov. 13. Some great art this year, even from Leonard Cohen. Keep an eye on our website to take a peek–the paintings will be up soon.
I’m back in my own home. Now that I can manage some stairs–slowly. Take care, enjoy you upcoming weekend away. lol monica

so are my turkey leftovers in the mail?? haha i keep checking my mailbox, but nothing yet! πŸ˜‰ very sad that bridge fries are done for another season, but exciting cuz i should be able to sneak in a trip or two before the end of the season next year! i’ll definitely check out the paintings! i might have to be a phone bidder or something this year! maybe if you make it back over to julie’s she can get you on skype with me one of these times? hope to talk soon!

hi monica, so glad to hear you are feeling better, and hopefully kathy is starting to make a recovery, i feel so sad all the time and feel i am sometimes in such a dark place ,just wish i could feel better about everything, linus is doing really well at school and has been made captain of the rugby teamx elaine would be so proud off himx stuart is back at work and trying to get some sort of normal life how i dont know anyway monica sorry to sound gloomyx love to all xxx jeanxxx

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October 2010